What to Ask When Looking for an ADHD Coach
WHAT TO ASKWhen Looking for an ADHD Coach. You have ADHD. Whether it's a new diagnosis, you've known for a long time, or you just have a suspicion that you might have ADHD, you're ready to make a change. So, what's next? Many tools can help you navigate the world with...
Counseling or Coaching? What’s the Difference and How to Choose.
ADHD Counseling or Coaching?What's the difference and how to choose? An ADHD coach helps people with ADHD learn and implement practical skills to manage some of the struggles accompanying an ADHD brain. A good coach will be well-versed in up-to-date research on ADHD...
The ADHD Brain Explained Through Escape Rooms
ADHD BrainExplained Through Escape Rooms. Sometimes it's tough to explain to someone who doesn't have an ADHD brain what it's like to have an ADHD brain. One example I've used is escape rooms. The object of an escape room is usually to get out. To get out, you must...
ADHD Explained With Pizza
ADHDexplained with pizza. FOR MORE INFORMATION Questions? Send those directly to our email. Interested in articles, educational opportunities, and other ADHD-related information? Subscribe below.
ADHD: A Gift or a Curse?
ADHDA Gift or a Curse? “ADHD is a horrible disability that makes it impossible to do anything!” “No, ADHD is a gift that allows us to think creatively and outside of the box!” I have seen this argument over and over again online. As you read this, one statement...
Executive Functioning: ADHD…or is it?
ADHDExecutive Functioning: ADHD... or is it? Happy 2022 ADHD Family! In our home, we started the new year by getting breakthrough infections of Covid-19 (which has been brutal, I don't recommend it). Although we've been lucky to have mild cases, 2 weeks out I'm still...
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